Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Broken Dream

Look up to the scoreboard. 3,2,1.
Longest 3 seconds of my life.

The crowd goes Crazy.
Charges the field and joins the Team dog pile in the middle of the field.

A stampede of news reporters come rushing at me....
And right past me to the Blue and White dog pile in the middle of the field.
I walk Alone I walk alone.

I fall to my knee,
Tear drops run down my dirty face and fall on my grass stained maroon jersey.
Look up at the score board...
I walk alone I walk alone.

Start to stumble towards my side line.
Pass the swarm of blue and white.
Hear parents telling their juniors"you'll get it next year, don't worry."
I'm a senior.
I walk alone I walk alone.

Step on to the bus.
Only sound i hear is sniffing noses.
Only thing I see is top of teammates heads.
Walk to my "lucky seat" that I sit in every time.
Look out the window past marker on the window that says, "TAKE STATE"
I see a broken dream...

I walk alone I walk alone.


  1. That's really good I like how at the beginning you get people thinking that they won but then to have them find out they didn't. Great job.

  2. I enjoyed your transaction from the feeling of winning to the disappointment of loss. Keep up the great writing.

  3. This was good. My favorite line: "I'm a senior." Nothing special there, but it worked. You're not being overly dramatic. Just one player's broken dream. Well done.
