Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Slap Yourself

This ones for the "to pretty" cheerleaders.
For the "too cool" jocks.
For the "to smart to talk to you" nerds.
For the " To much different to talk to anyone" indys.
This one is for the girl that sits behind me in math class and is way to busy trying to look good to talk to me.
This ones for my science teacher who wont answer any of my "stupid" questions.
This one is for all of you out there who think you are gods gift to the world and wont take 1 second out of your precious little life to say HELLO to any one.

Do yourselves and the world a favor and slap yourself.
Slap yourself until your face starts to bleed, until you aren't that "pretty" any more, until you pass and and after you pass out wake up and start to slap your stomach

After you slap yourself snap out of the dream world you live in and realize that your life isn't any more important than that kids you sit next to in math class.

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